Why Should You Invest in Rooftop Solar Panels When Building a New Home?

Why Should You Invest in Rooftop Solar Panels When Building a New Home?
The process of getting a new home or building one can be nerve-wracking. You have many choices to make during the new home construction process.
As you settle into your new home, you must think about making some modifications to your new house, like switching to solar power. They also make economic sense, particularly in light of the continuing price decline of clean technologies and the dramatic global rise in prices of fossil fuels.
Here are some reasons to install Solar Panels in your new home as soon as possible if you’re on edge about investing in solar energy:
1. Solar Power is Simple!
Want to know the best time to install a rooftop solar panel system for your new home? It is right when the house is in the construction phase.
The explanation is straightforward: installing a house solar system while your new house is in the building process is simpler and less expensive than having it retrofitted later.
By including solar panels now, you may streamline the construction process by taking solar panel systems into account during the initial design of your house.
2. It is a Secure Investment
The price of electricity is always fluctuating in Pakistan. Therefore, it is challenging to estimate the cost of electricity over a specific period. On the other hand, it is simple to understand the cost of power produced when it comes to electricity produced by solar rooftops.
In reality, it is possible to estimate how much it will cost to produce electricity in the next ten years. It makes solar power the most secure investment you can ever make.

3. Solar Power Cuts the Energy Bills in Half
As a new homeowner, you already have a lot on your plate and a lot of expenses to manage.
One strategy to relieve financial strain is to lower your electricity costs. You might protect yourself from potential rises in electricity rates by going solar.
Your solar system can start saving you money on electricity as soon as it is turned on. When your solar energy system serves as your primary energy source, you can substantially minimize your reliance on the electrical grid and, as a result, the cost of your energy bills.
4. Solar Energy is Affordable
You can afford solar energy if you can manage to pay your monthly energy expenses. You may move to sustainable energy with little to no initial expenditures, thanks to solar financing alternatives.
A solar lease is the first option for new homeowners looking to finance their solar system.
If you are buying a house for the first time, you might not have much money. With a solar lease, you can license equipment and eliminate the upfront fees in return for lower energy bills.
Financially responsible homeowners can get renewable energy with a lease at a price that fits their budget each month.

5. Solar Power is Highly Suitable for the Pakistani Climate!
Rooftop solar panels use the sun’s energy to create power. Pakistan enjoys a favorable geographic location and a lot of tropical sunlight.
In Pakistan, there are over 300 sunny days with clear skies per year. Therefore, using rooftop solar panels for your new house is an excellent investment.
6. Solar Panels Benefit Environment
Solar energy systems use sunlight to generate clean, pure energy.
By adding solar panels to your home, you can lessen global warming emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels.
Coal and natural gas are two fossil fuels that are the primary sources of conventional power. When fossil fuels are used to create energy, they release toxic fumes and gases that are the main contributor to smog and climate change on a worldwide scale.
Fossil fuels are not only unsustainable for the planet, but they are a limited resource as well. As a result, the electricity price is continually erratic and subject to sudden increases.

7. Beneficial for Public Health!
Renewable energy is also beneficial to public health. Plants using coal and natural gas pollute the air and water, endangering human health. However, switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like solar power can lower both overall healthcare expenses and premature death.
Solar energy utilizes little to no water to function, in contrast to the big water resources needed for the production of fossil fuels, which also results in water contamination.
Therefore, solar energy not only doesn’t contaminate water resources but also doesn’t strain the global water supply.
8. Earn Some Extra Money with Solar Panels!
The payback period for rooftop solar panel systems is decreasing significantly, in some cases to as little as 5–6 years. It is based solely on energy bill savings as a result of declining costs to install solar panels and incentives in place.
This is true even while energy prices continue to soar.
You can bring down your energy bills to zero with minor upkeep (about 1% cost benefit) and cleaning. You can even start earning passive money by selling any extra energy you produce to the system or distributing it with other people in an energy community.
9. Solar Power Works Even During Heat Wave!
Solar power functions optimally even when there is a drought or heat wave.
A lot of water gets used in the cooling process during the production of coal, gas, and nuclear energy. Electricity generation is at risk during heat waves and extreme droughts, as we have just experienced in recent years.
However, solar energy systems do not need water to produce electricity.

Be Your Own Energy Provider with GEL Pakistan!
Getting a new house is an exciting thing for sure, and getting a solar system for your new building can increase the excitement. You can switch your house to solar with little investment and a lot of environmental and financial improvements. It leads to money savings in the long run and an uninterrupted power supply for your house.
GEL Pakistan is a leading Solar Energy Company in Lahore Pakistan, ready to cater to your solar energy needs. Reach out to us at gelpakistan.com to discuss a solar panel system for your new house. You won’t regret it.

Our goal is to change the modern world and create sustainable and nature-friendly energy solutions for future generations.
- 124 DD, Sector CCA Dha Phase 4, Lahore, Punjab
- info@gelpakistan.com
- +92 321 887 4333
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